From all of us former SRF Tigers here at Subic Drydock Corporation, SBMA, Philippines,
Happy New Year! God Bless Everyone. (Malou Vigo)
The seminar was held at Phoenix School of Martial Arts, Surrey, BC, Canada and was organized by my student Maestro Doug Klinger, who study and promote my system in Filipino Martial Arts: Sinkatan Arnis, for more than 12 years. He, also, nominated me, in Master Instructor Category into the 2000 International Martial Arts Hall of Fame in Florida. Doug Klinger was promoted to second degree black belt in my system, Sinkatan Arnis, last March 11, 2010.
The seminar format is to introduce the Sinkatan Arnis system and philosophy.
Most of the practitioners who attended the seminar were instructors, holding the highest Black belt level in Hapkido, Taekwondo Karate, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), and other styles of Filipino Martial Arts in Arnis Escrima.
The practitioners learned the five basic striking angles, blocking and countering and dis-arming techniques of ‘Cinco Tiros’ (Five Strikes) for four (4) hours of instruction. I, also, included Questions and Answers portion regarding what they have learned in the workshop including the demonstrations.
After the seminar, Certificate of Training was awarded to every practitioners, for their outstanding participation and in promoting my art, Sinkatan Arnis.
—by Grandmaster Bernardo ‘Jun’ Salinas
Fort St. John, BC, Canada
I WAS THERE…Joe Suganob
Via Skytrain’s Millennium & Expo Lines, with my trusted electric scooter. From Surrey’s King George Station,
Surrey, it was 3.3 km to Phoenix School of Martial Arts.
Our friend ‘Jun’ is well respected in Martial Art Instructors scene. And, he really know Arnis, Sinkatan style. You should see him demonstrate Arnis sometime in the future..